※ 如有类似,可FAX地址,来电索取图片中的样品及相关样本资料供参考(只限小金额)
※ 年備存原材料、半成品、成品2000萬~ 3000萬RMB周转的在庫品,依圖依樣現生產,具有極強的性價比……欢迎实地指导。
※ 我司只生产Φ10mm以上组合型及整体型的膛线拉刀及任意规格的非膛线用的拉刀
具有极为优秀的耐磨耗性能,但抗冲击性能略差。适用于调质或淬火等高硬度材料(HRC45°~65°)的中低速或要求具有较高的耐磨性能及有色金属等各类材料的中低速轻切削加工。一般用于良好的工况、稳定的切削、优良的零件装夹及持续的轻型加工。相应ISO K10。
Carbide special-shaped hole broaching tools,Alloy round broaches
Super-hardprocessing of professional, special, non-standard, special shaped and new products with any kind, any shape andtolerance.
※If you have any similar inquiry, please fax us your address or call us toget samples in the photos and related catalogue for your reference (only asmall amount is allowed).
※We keep around RMB 20~30 Million turnover stock articles suchas raw material ,semi-products, finished products in ordinary year , we are capable to produce according to drawing or sampleprovided by customer, so as to present you a favorable cost-performance ratio…Welcome to visit our factory。
※ Ourfactory only produces combined and solid rifling broaches with size over Φ10mm,andnon-rifling broaches of various sizes.
Wecan produce special, compound, special-shaped, super large, super thin, superlong combined profile tools according to drawings, samples, size tolerance.application.
Imported ultra micro-grain diamond tungsten steel, with excellentimpact-resistance and general wear-resistance. Generally applied in worse orgeneral equipment to machine materials of lower hardness (HRC≤25°), discontinuous cuttingand worse part fixture. Conforming to ISO K25, can replace machining ofmaterials like M42, ASP60, MPM, HSSCo10 etc, and can get 4-6 times lifetime, ithas higher performance/price ration. Comparing with SKH51, it has 15-25 timeslifetime and durability.
Broaching cutter
rifling broach