快速、耐心、细致、有节奏地解决每一天的挑战和问题 当日事、当日毕、日日新! 当日检讨、不断更正、通力协作! 学会思考、分析、善于观察、领悟、发现 不断地总结经验、提出新方法 自我训练、学习、进步在每一天... --------共勉之
Quickly, patiently, carefully, and orderly solve the challenge and difficulty for you everyday. Starting with new day, don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. Daily self-reviewing, keep on improving, and cooperate with concerned effort. Learn to think, analyze, and be good at observing, understanding and discovering. Continue to summarize experience and bring forward new methods. Self-training, learning, and make progress every day... --------Mutual-encouragement |